
Monday, December 19, 2011

Formulas for 3.4-3.6 Test

Here are the formulas that you will get on the test
All of these formulas are in your notes or in the book


Interest Compounded k times per year

Interest Compounded continuously

Future Value:  when you are saving

Present Value:  when you are borrowing

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011

Your emails

This is just a reminder that when you come in on Monday, I want you to be good to go with your school email account!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

Next group of problems

See below for the next set of exercises I would like you to do.  The answers are right next to the exercises in blue so that you can check your work.  For exercises 5-10, make sure you understand why the equations are NOT linear.  I know it's a flashback to Algebra I, but you can do it!

For problems 11-24, you are solving for x.  I know that they are really easy problems, but it's important that you have a strong foundation before we move to more complicated ones.

Any questions please comment or email.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Try these

Give these 4 problems a shot.  They are the first 4 problems from Section P.3 in your textbook.  The answers are next to each problem in blue.  If you need any of these problems done out, please email me at Ms.Milkosky at or post a comment! 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Back from vacation

Hi guys,

I have been away all summer, but am now back in action and ready to start putting up videos for you guys to take a look at. First I will put up a few problems directly from your book along with the answers and ask you to give them a try. They are review from things you will have learned in Honors Algebra I. If you are unable to do these problems and need me to do them out on video, I am more than happy to. Please email me at Ms.Milkosky at or post a comment below.

I will be doing plenty of problems out for you, but for these first ones, I wanted you to give them a try since they are a little easier.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Here is the order in which the teams were picked...

Remember, you MUST email me at Ms.Milkosky at with your choice of topic.  This post will be updated accordingly, so keep checking.  Don't wait too long or else you might lose your spot...

Each team now has 1 hour to respond with their choice before we move to the next group.  The 1 hour begins when the previous team's choice is posted.

It's a free for all!!!  Anyone can pick, order doesn't matter anymore!!  Email when you are ready with your topic!!!

Chatty Kathys    5.6    Law of Cosines, Area of Triangle, Heron's Formula  (9:55am)
Jeff&Brian  9.1    Permuations (12:14pm)
Gingers  5.5    Law of Sines (Ambiguous Case) (12:38)
RAGE   9.2    The Binomial Theorem  (2:05)
You Know, A Zebound  5.3    Sine Sum and difference Identities  (2:07)
Panthers   6.4    Coordinate Conversion (3:40)
Kool-Aid     5.2    Proving Non-aglebra Identities
Wingaersheek  6.3    Eliminating the Parameter  (6:55)
Shy Ronnie  6.6    Multiplication and Division Complex Numbers
Foley2 Gifford   9.1    Combinations  (7:50am)
the BEST    9.2    Powers of Binomials & Pascal's Triangle
HZH    5.3    Cosine Sum and difference identities  (9:56am)
Quiz Group    6.5    Rose and Limacon Curves
Weber     5.1    Fundamental Identities (12:43pm)
Shannon Palmer    6.6    De Moivre's Theorem
Team Wicked Awesome    5.3    Tangent Sum and difference Identities (12:56pm) 
skillz dat killz    5.4    Power Reducing Identities
Blue Baboons    6.3    Simulating Motion  (2:01)
Gingerlicious Mathletes    6.3    Parametric Equations and Parametric Curves
Scheffel-r=cos0    9.1    Multiplication Principle of Counting
h^2    6.6    The Complex Plane, Trig Form of Complex Numbers (2:40)
Ally and Mike
Team Matt    8.5    Eccentricity & Writing Polar Equations for Conics
I heart Pat Harney's Anti-liberal propaganda   9.3    Conditional Probability
The Beach Girls (Sarah and Shannon)   9.3    Venn Diagrams and Tree Diagrams
Ace's (Sarah and Lizzie)     6.4    Polar Coordinate System  (2:40)

List of Topics

5.1    Simplifying Trig Expressions & Solving Trig Equations
5.4    Double Angle Identities
5.4    Half Angle Identities
6.4    Equation Conversion
6.4    Finding Distance Using Polar Coordinates
6.5    Graphs of Polar Equations ( Symmetry)
6.5    Analyzing Polar Graphs
6.6    Powers of Complex Numbers
6.6    Roots of Complex Numbers
8.5    Analyzing Polar Equations of Conics
8.5    Orbits
9.1    Subsets of an n-set
9.2    Factorial Identities
9.3    Sample Spaces aand Probability Functions
9.3    Determining Probabilities
9.3    Binomial Distributions

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Final Project

You are going to get into groups of 3 and make a 2-5 minute video of a topic that we learned this semester.  This project is optional so you do not have to do it if you do not want to.  There will be more details given in class. 

If you are choosing to participate, you MUST give an index card listing the following to Ms. Camiel, Ms. Martino or myself by Tuesday, May 31th, 2011 at 2:00pm:

1) Team Name
2) List the team members
3) List the team members' teachers
4) List the team members' sections

You are allowed to work with ANYONE taking Pre-Calc 40.  That means that someone from my class could work with someone from Ms. Camiel's class and someone from Ms. Martino's class. 

After school on Tuesday we will post the order in which the teams were drawn and then we will post the topics.  If you are the first group chosen, you must email me at Ms.Milkosky at with the topic your group has chosen.  I will then update the list showing what topic the first group chose (and removing it from the master list).  Once that has been done, the second group will email me with their choice and I will update the list.  Then the third group, etc, until all groups have chosen.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

6.3-6.5 Assessment

DO NOT PANIC ABOUT YOUR GRADE ON IT!!!!  I'm serious, don't worry, there is going to be some sort of scale.  From short talks with several of you, it seems like the multiple choice was not a good idea.   It stressed some of you out and made you second guess yourselves.  It also made it extremely difficult to give partial credit.  On tests I want to be able to reward you for what you know, even if it's not everything in the question.  Plus, life's not a multiple choice test, it's more like an open response one.

Peace out and enjoy your weekend.

And remember, no worrying about your grade allowed!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tonight's HW

Make sure that you copy down the green box that we talked about in class.  That is where we will begin tomorrow.

Also, notice how there is homework tonight from both 6.3 and 6.4.  That's because we finished 6.3 today and we started 6.4.  Make sure you do both, and not just the HW from 6.4.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Today's class

So I just learned that we didn't have to do the problems with vectors that we did today in class.  They have been removed from your HW.  Yay!!  Don't worry about them.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Example 2 in class today

So, after you left, I realized I was making Example 2 WAY more complicated than I had to.  We could have factored something out right away.  I will show you at the beginning of next class.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

HW due Thursday

So assigned all the problems from 30-42.  No, I didn't make a mistake by leaving off the "e".  Here's the deal.  You have 2 days to do it, so it shouldn't be a problem.  If, however, you feel that you need more time, just ask.  Or, I have an idea...try doing just the evens.  This is only my recommendation if you literally have no time to get it all done.  Practice makes perfect when dealing the probability and the more problems you do, the better you will understand it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tonight's HW

So you only have to do 1 problem tonight, number 28.  I want you to spend this time really going over all your notes and understanding what we have been learning for the last few weeks.  Also, I want you to look ahead to the next example in the 9.3 section.  I think it's example 7.  I will be doing it in class, but we are going to be GO GO GO in class so that we have enough time to review.  That means that I will not be spending a ton of time on it, so make sure you've looked it over.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tonight's HW

So as you may have noticed on the website there was a slight change in the homework.  Instead of doing all the evens, I want you to add in #19 and #21.  So you are doing 18-22all, don't just do the evens.  The reason is #19 and #21 deal with the difference between Combinations and Permutations so I want you to see all, not just the evens.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


So, each teacher is making a video ad to promote their class next year and I need some ideas from all of you!  That's why a bonus point is on the line here.  That's right, if you email me your ideas for what should be in the video by tomorrow at 7:30am, I will add 1 point to a homework.  Remember my gmail:  Ms.Milkosky at

Suggestion from the email we teachers received today:
Maybe ask your students what they would have liked to see/hear about the class before they took it or what they think you should promote.

Think of it this way.  We are putting together an "ad" showing students why they should be excited about taking this class.  We are also giving them advice as to what to expect.  What should be said in the ad?


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Homework due Monday

I was just informed that the homework that I posted today at 2pm on the Natick website isn't showing up.  iPass, my email and other Natick website things are down.

So here it is

Page 484-486, 10-40e, 47-52all

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Quiz on 5.1 and 5.2!

Tonight look over your quiz covering 5.1 and 5.2 (Ms. Camiel's class too).  Once you figure out the top two problems that gave you the most difficulty, take the survey below.  This will help Ms. Camiel and I identify what the classes need the most help with.  We are also looking into the possibility of making a video for those two problems.

Homework Due Friday 3.4.11

You have two things to do:

1)  page 484, 2-8e and complete Exploration 1
2)  Read the packet that I handed you on The Ambiguous Case for the Law of Sines.  I will be going over it quickly in class, but I expect that you read the packet carefully so that you have most of the concept down before class.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Test Tomorrow

So I was just informed that tomorrow is Comm Sem which means our classes are shortened by 10 minutes.  Therefore I will be coming in early and you can start early so that we can make up the time.  Please try to get there early so that you can have enough time.  If you can't get there early DON'T PANIC!!  Just do your best and we'll talk. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Assessment for 5.3 and 5.4

It's best to work through all the HW problems that you were assigned during these sections.  You can do this!  Practice makes perfect and the more you do the problems, the better you will get at them!

Also, there will be a bonus question...or two.  Remember Example 6 in section 5.3 on page 467?  It wasn't done in class, but a comment was made that it could show up on the assessment as a bonus question...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tonight's HW

So we learned some new identities today and you will be working with them tonight in your HW. Page 475-477, 2, 4, 12-22e, 32-42e.

Also, make sure that you copy down the Half Angle Identities on page 473 of your book. When you come in on Friday, they will already be on the board and I will begin the lesson by briefly going over them. I am aware that problems 32, 34, and 36 didn't have an in class example, but I still want you to give them a shot. YOU CAN DO IT!! Yay!

One final thing. If you want any of the book examples done on video (Example 1, 2 or 3) you need to let me know tonight or early tomorrow morning by posting a comment here or emailing me at I will be making videos tomorrow for other classes, but I can do some for this class (Camiel's and Martino's included) as well if you feel that you need them! Don't be shy in asking if you feel the need! Remember, we are here to HELP you!

Have a good night and remember to believe in your self and your abilities when solving tonight's HW problems!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Tonight's HW

If you checked the website you have noticed that I altered the HW. This is what you are responsible for doing:

page 468-470, 2-42e, skip the ones involving tangent.

Make sure you also look through Example 2 on page 465. If you need the proof done for you, see the last blog entry for a video of me proving them.