
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tonight's HW

So we learned some new identities today and you will be working with them tonight in your HW. Page 475-477, 2, 4, 12-22e, 32-42e.

Also, make sure that you copy down the Half Angle Identities on page 473 of your book. When you come in on Friday, they will already be on the board and I will begin the lesson by briefly going over them. I am aware that problems 32, 34, and 36 didn't have an in class example, but I still want you to give them a shot. YOU CAN DO IT!! Yay!

One final thing. If you want any of the book examples done on video (Example 1, 2 or 3) you need to let me know tonight or early tomorrow morning by posting a comment here or emailing me at I will be making videos tomorrow for other classes, but I can do some for this class (Camiel's and Martino's included) as well if you feel that you need them! Don't be shy in asking if you feel the need! Remember, we are here to HELP you!

Have a good night and remember to believe in your self and your abilities when solving tonight's HW problems!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Tonight's HW

If you checked the website you have noticed that I altered the HW. This is what you are responsible for doing:

page 468-470, 2-42e, skip the ones involving tangent.

Make sure you also look through Example 2 on page 465. If you need the proof done for you, see the last blog entry for a video of me proving them.