
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

HW due Thursday

So assigned all the problems from 30-42.  No, I didn't make a mistake by leaving off the "e".  Here's the deal.  You have 2 days to do it, so it shouldn't be a problem.  If, however, you feel that you need more time, just ask.  Or, I have an idea...try doing just the evens.  This is only my recommendation if you literally have no time to get it all done.  Practice makes perfect when dealing the probability and the more problems you do, the better you will understand it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tonight's HW

So you only have to do 1 problem tonight, number 28.  I want you to spend this time really going over all your notes and understanding what we have been learning for the last few weeks.  Also, I want you to look ahead to the next example in the 9.3 section.  I think it's example 7.  I will be doing it in class, but we are going to be GO GO GO in class so that we have enough time to review.  That means that I will not be spending a ton of time on it, so make sure you've looked it over.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tonight's HW

So as you may have noticed on the website there was a slight change in the homework.  Instead of doing all the evens, I want you to add in #19 and #21.  So you are doing 18-22all, don't just do the evens.  The reason is #19 and #21 deal with the difference between Combinations and Permutations so I want you to see all, not just the evens.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


So, each teacher is making a video ad to promote their class next year and I need some ideas from all of you!  That's why a bonus point is on the line here.  That's right, if you email me your ideas for what should be in the video by tomorrow at 7:30am, I will add 1 point to a homework.  Remember my gmail:  Ms.Milkosky at

Suggestion from the email we teachers received today:
Maybe ask your students what they would have liked to see/hear about the class before they took it or what they think you should promote.

Think of it this way.  We are putting together an "ad" showing students why they should be excited about taking this class.  We are also giving them advice as to what to expect.  What should be said in the ad?


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Homework due Monday

I was just informed that the homework that I posted today at 2pm on the Natick website isn't showing up.  iPass, my email and other Natick website things are down.

So here it is

Page 484-486, 10-40e, 47-52all

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Quiz on 5.1 and 5.2!

Tonight look over your quiz covering 5.1 and 5.2 (Ms. Camiel's class too).  Once you figure out the top two problems that gave you the most difficulty, take the survey below.  This will help Ms. Camiel and I identify what the classes need the most help with.  We are also looking into the possibility of making a video for those two problems.

Homework Due Friday 3.4.11

You have two things to do:

1)  page 484, 2-8e and complete Exploration 1
2)  Read the packet that I handed you on The Ambiguous Case for the Law of Sines.  I will be going over it quickly in class, but I expect that you read the packet carefully so that you have most of the concept down before class.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Test Tomorrow

So I was just informed that tomorrow is Comm Sem which means our classes are shortened by 10 minutes.  Therefore I will be coming in early and you can start early so that we can make up the time.  Please try to get there early so that you can have enough time.  If you can't get there early DON'T PANIC!!  Just do your best and we'll talk. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Assessment for 5.3 and 5.4

It's best to work through all the HW problems that you were assigned during these sections.  You can do this!  Practice makes perfect and the more you do the problems, the better you will get at them!

Also, there will be a bonus question...or two.  Remember Example 6 in section 5.3 on page 467?  It wasn't done in class, but a comment was made that it could show up on the assessment as a bonus question...